
    YouTube announces AI video creation tool, communities, hype, gifts, and auto dubbing at Made on YouTube 2024

    At the Made on YouTube 2024 event in New York, YouTube presented a set of AI-driven tools and features dedicated to content creation and audience engagement. Johanna Voolich, Chief Product Officer at YouTube, said that innovations would be “helping people connect with each other, ignite creativity, drive businesses, and support new voices.” This introduction highlighted the potential of various YouTube AI tools.


    Key announcements from Made on YouTube 2024

    1. Veo for Dream Screen

    YouTube’s Dream Screen feature, announced last year, now embeds Google DeepMind’s video generation model, Veo, in that application. Meaning users can use it to create photorealistic backgrounds and stand-alone 6-second videos for YouTube Shorts. The AI-generated content that Veo produces will be watermarked using SynthID, making it identifiable as AI-created. The inclusion of these advanced YouTube AI tools is advantageous for creators.

    Availability: YouTube will start incorporating Google DeepMind’s advanced video generation model, Veo, into YouTube Shorts later this year.


    2. Updates to YouTube Studio’s Inspiration Tab

    In YouTube Studio, the Inspirations tab is going to be greatly improved. More targeted ideas for projects, title and thumbnail suggestions, as well as content outlines that are tailored to align with the style and needs of the creator, are going to be introduced under this new change. These enhanced YouTube AI tools in the Inspiration Tab will assist creators immensely.

    Availability: Next year, YouTube will bring you a new shortcut that leads you from any point where you find inspiration directly to the Inspiration Tab.

    3. Communities on creator channels

    Creators can now turn on a Community section on channel pages, thereby providing a space to where creators and subscribers can interact, share ideas, and discuss content. Through this feature, the audience is brought closer to the creators, and utilizing YouTube AI tools can further enhance these interactions.


    Availability: Communities are available on select channels, with a rollout to more creators in early 2025.

    4. Transformation of the Community hub

    The comments tab on YouTube Studio becomes a community hub that focuses on fan engagement. As such, it is also going to integrate a feature where reply suggestions are generated using AI, thereby helping creators better navigate interactions. YouTube AI tools will also include community spotlights and audience metrics to elevate engagement.

    5. Introduction of Hype for rising stars

    There is a new addition called Hype, with which viewers can “amplify” smaller creators’ work by clicking a hype button next to the like button. Such an action may serve as a means of pushing them up a weekly leaderboard, bringing them more visibility. This tool, among other YouTube AI tools, will help emerge creators gain traction.

    Availability: YouTube is already testing it in Brazil, Turkey, and Taiwan and plans to expand it in the coming months.

    6. Auto Dubbing for enhanced accessibility

    YouTube’s upcoming auto-dubbing tool, which it is currently testing, will allow creators to add translated audio tracks in many languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Italian. It has also piloted a new feature that tries to roughly replicate the tone and environment of the creator in dubbed tracks. This addition to YouTube AI tools will significantly enhance the accessibility of content.

    Availability: YouTube will roll out the tool to a larger group of creators in the coming months.


    7. Expansion of YouTube Shopping

    YouTube Shopping is expanding the affiliate program to include Indonesian creators and will subsequently launch in Thailand and Vietnam. The focus here is on as many opportunities as possible to get creators to buy and distribute on e-commerce. Embedded YouTube AI tools will streamline shopping experiences.

    8. Introduction of Jewels and gifts

    Jewels and gifts are new features that will improve real-time engagement during vertical live streams. These are digital items created in a way to generate revenue for the creator and enhance the interaction with their audiences. Implementing YouTube AI tools here will optimize engagement strategies.

    Availability: This feature will launch first in the United States.

    9. Enhancements for TV-based content

    YouTube is responding to the growth of TV-based content through giving content creators the opportunity to index their videos based on seasons and episodes. Other improvement will also come through better subscription options and streamlined TV viewing experiences. YouTube AI tools are likely to play a vital role in these enhancements.

    YouTube’s support for creators

    According to Johanna Voolich, YouTube is continuously committing through the Partner Program, with more than $70 billion paid out to creators, artists, and media companies over the last three years. The platform will continue focusing on the expansion of monetization opportunities, bringing more nuances and qualities to the tools for the content creators, prominently featuring various YouTube AI tools.

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